What exactly is “Accountability Software?” To answer, let’s hear from a former Meals Plus technical support specialist; an account manager with nearly ten years of experience in the K-12 child nutrition industry; and a former child nutrition director with nearly thirty years of experience in the industry.
Account Manager Joy Miller refers to Meals Plus Accountability as “Photoshop for Child Nutrition,” and with good reason. You can edit your Daily Deposits without losing the “original picture” in Meals Plus Point of Sale.
Senior Account Manager Sidney Rossi knows the Daily Deposit portal and report hub is where Accountability really shines. Her customers love being able to find all of these useful reports, such as Unclosed Dates and Meals Per Labor Hour, in one location.
Child Nutrition Operations Consultant Cynthia Sevier, SNS, used Accountability first-hand when she was a child nutrition director in North Carolina. She liked using the Reimbursement Report to see the total reimbursement amount, separated by category (Breakfast, Lunch, Milk and Snack) and school. It gave her the ability to check for errors before making the claim for reimbursement. She knows it is important for a director to be aware of where all revenue is coming from, and the Revenue Summary Report gives an excellent overview. And she understood the importance of maximizing her free and reduced participation, which is where the Aging Report was useful. It showed her who had charges on their account and how old their account was. As a director, she used it to look at potential students that might need to apply for free and/or reduced benefits. Finance officers also wanted to know how old the accounts were before payment was made from the district to the child nutrition account for bad debt. (Want to learn from Cynthia’s expertise? She offers consulting and training services! Click here for more information.)
For more information on Meals Plus Accountability, request a free 30 day trial or contact us today for more information!